Verdi, Dvorak, Stravinsky Video Now Available!

Nov 12, 2024 4:32:34 PM / by BPO Staff

Thank you for attending the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra's November 3rd Verdi / Dvorak / Stravinsky concert. The video of the rave-reviewed concert is available to watch online. 

The reviews are in:


Boston Classical Review: BPYO impressively handles the challenges of Dvořák and Stravinsky

"The chords in the brass that begin the overture were clear, precise, and well-tuned—words that also describe the rest of the afternoon’s performance. No doubt an imitation of the vicissitudes of fate, the sudden stops and starts of this overture require enormous ensemble cohesion, which the orchestra carried off with thrilling precision." -Katherine Horgan. Read the full review on Boston Classical Review.



Boston Musical Intelligencer: BPYO Electrifies and Blesses

“ of the signal virtues of this concert was the orchestra’s versatility in addition to its customary technical accomplishment and tonal finesse...The brass players intoned the Largo’s portentous chords with ideal balance and tonal beauty...In the famous English horn solo, the player displayed rather amazing breath control.” -Geoffrey Wieting. Read the full review on




The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra with cellist Alexander Baillie and Holst's The Planets with Radcliffe Choral Society.


View more about the concert here.





Photos by Hilary Scott

Topics: Benjamin Zander, Dvorak, stravinksy, bostonphilharmonic, verdi, NewWorld

Written by BPO Staff

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