Rave Reviews for Boston Philharmonic and Zuill Bailey

Nov 22, 2016 11:00:14 AM / by BPO Staff

©Michael J.Lutch _November 17, 2016_0263-20-090712-edited.jpg
This past weekend’s Boston Philharmonic Orchestra performances provided both excitement and reflection with a program of French and English music featuring cellist Zuill Bailey.


“Textures overall were transparent, with especially good support from the lower strings, and throughout Zander took care to make the theme audible. I could imagine a different 'enigma variations,' but not a better one.”

Boston Philharmonic unlocks Elgar’s “Enigma”
The Boston Globe


“Cello soloist Bailey drew the best out of [Dutilleux’ “Tout un monde lointoin…”], creating ethereal poignancy, purifying rapture, and sustaining compelling intrigue.” 

Backward Looks, Compelling Play: Bailey and Zander
Boston Musical Intelligencer


“[Bailey’s] tone was cool yet singing, like a voice in the wilderness. The orchestra responded sensitively to make a strong case for a work that deserves to be heard more often.”

Bailey’s shimmering Dutilleux highlights Boston Philharmonic program
Boston Classical Review


"The BPO delivered a special tour-de-force Thursday night. Like in his other concerts, Zander exuded a compelling love of classical music — from the excited, animated flicks of his baton to the humanity displayed in his words and storytelling."

Dutilleux’s 'Tout un monde lointain…' transports its audience to a new world
The Tech (MIT)


The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra’s next performance features The Boston Trio in Beethoven’s Triple Concerto alongside Bruckner’s monumental Ninth Symphony, February 23-26. 
Click here for more BPO details.

The Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra begins 2017 with a showcase of Concerto Competition winners and a new work by Michael Gandolfi on February 12. 
Click here for more BPYO details.


Photo: Michael J. Lutch

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