"Imbued with resonance" BPYO Reviews and On Demand

Mar 14, 2022 11:23:34 AM / by BPO Staff


We have just released Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra's performance of Ravel's La Valse, Elgar's Cello Concerto with Zlatomir Fung, and Shostakovich's 5th Symphony as a limited-time On Demand video, available through April 7, 2022. 


The reviews are in:

"The BPYO’s three-dimensional, purposeful reading was less played through than lived out...Its exposed woodwind exchanges unwound tenderly. The Largo’s fragile episodes were gripping for their intensity; its last bars provided fleeting, shimmering catharsis...The result was a performance of riveting focus and, especially over the finale’s insistent final pages, soaring, singing defiance." -Jonathan Blumhofer

Read the full review: Boston Classical Review  Elgar, Ravel, Shostakovich works imbued with resonance by Zander, Boston Phil Youth Orchestra

"His moderate tempo...created a spooky atmosphere and gave the players room to be expressive. We got gentle, lilting, languorous waltz tunes, some playful, some dreamy, with glowing solos..." -Jeffrey Gantz    

Read the full review: The Boston Musical Intelligencer War, Terror...and Yes, Uplift 

Photo by Hilary Scott

Topics: BPYO, Benjamin Zander, shostakovich, zlatomirfung

Written by BPO Staff

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