Boston Philharmonic Orchestra: Opens Season with Bruckner's Heaven-storming 8th Symphony

Oct 27, 2021 11:00:00 AM / by BPO Staff


We are pleased to make available the video of Bruckner Symphony No. 8 performance by the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, including Maestro Zander's pre-concert talk. 


The reviews are in:

"In the end, then, this was an epic performance of an epic piece. The night’s large, preternaturally attentive audience...intuited this. They rewarded the BPO’s effort with the rowdiest ovation I’ve heard at Symphony Hall since it reopened for concerts in September." -Jonathan Blumhoffer, Arts Fuse

Read the full review: Boston Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Bruckner's Symphony No. 8

"Bold and beautiful, this season-opening performance proved a Bruckner experience to relish... Zander’s reading ultimately oriented this religiously charged music to the sublime." -Aaron Keebaugh, Boston Classical Review

Read the full review: Boston Philharmonic opens season with heaven-storming Bruckner

"Zander seemed to have Mahler in mind as he created an unusually human Bruckner, channeling the composer who played fiddle for town dances, loved dancing himself, and fell in love more than once." -Jeffrey Gantz, Boston Musical Intelligencer

Read the full review: Zander Leads BPO in Heaven-Storming Bruckner's Eighth

Coming up: Violinist Stefan Jackiw performs Prokofiev with the Boston Philharmonic on November 10. Not to be missed!



Benjamin Zander receives Julio Kilyeni Medal of Honor given by the Bruckner Society of America before the concert.


Topics: Benjamin Zander, bostonphilharmonic, Bruckner8thSymphony, JulioKilyeniMedal, brucknersociety

Written by BPO Staff

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