In case you missed the rave reviews of the concert here they are!
The Boston Musical Intelligencer Review: A Night to Remember: Titanics Complete Voyages
"Lordy what a triumph. Tragic, fateful, profound, tuneful, at times balletic, Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony, a cyclical mix of immortal themes, came to the ecstatic full house in a visceral, and totally committed show of virtuosic engagement...This might have been the single most successful movement I ever heard from this orchestra…or any orchestra." -Lee Eiseman, The Boston Musical Intelligencer. Read the full review here.
Boston Classical Review: BPYO brings youthful fire and characterful playing to Bartók showpiece
"The low-string and woodwind writing—highlighted by principal flute Grace Helmke—sang beguilingly. Equally impassioned were the “Elegia’s” climactic outbursts, here lined in velvet, and the nobly fervent, viola-led theme of the “Intermezzo...The subtle spots glowed, such as the phrasings in “Giuoco delle coppie’s” chorale and the burbling winds at the start of the “Elegia.” By the time the finale’s Technicolor coda, with the BPYO brasses resplendently in the lead, rolled around, the sense of triumph felt decisively and honestly won.” -Jonathan Blumhofer, The Boston Classical Review. Read the full review here.
Photos by Hilary Scott